Saturday, November 17, 2007

Misery Wins the Deranged Fan Award

The Deranged Fan Award!

This award is hard to win, but Misery has won it due to her undying stalking and annoying people. In order for you to win one of these awards you must meet these qualifications:

You must have paranoid delusions everyone is out to get you.
You are so insecure, you need to tell lies about others.
You are dependent on others for your emotional well being.
You think that you are above all others, even tho you: (any of the following)
1. Are unemployed
2. Homeless

3. Are just a bitter obsessed fan of some celebrity who didn't do you.
Have huge hairy armpits, legs and back hair.

Are mad at society and the world at large because they didn't accept your mad ass.
Snort like a piglet when you laugh (and you think it's cute).
Have no marketable job skills - leaving your income opportunities to performing un-natural acts for old men.

and last but not least...

You must have bitten the hand that feeds you!

If you know of someone deserving of this prestigious award, snag it and send it to 'em... Give 'em a clue... Get a life!


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