Misery's Imaginary Friends
She's practiced it so many times that she's gotten her spiel perfected (in her mind) to an exact science. She whines for sympathy all over the place, oh how people have done her wrong despite the fact that she is always the one who instigates and starts all the grief you read about. But whine she does and the straws she grasps at are her petty complaints against people she's wronged. The innocent bystanders of group owners who have had her come after them viciously, can tell you horror stories but if they've said one thing about her psychotic tantrums - they've all gotten labelled as stalkers or misguided fools. She won't allow anyone the freedom of speech but she has blasted everyone for denying her that freedom because, you see, she can't post her bile on their boards anymore because they've all banned her.
But Misery has gotten all her imaginary friends as great supporters but still obsesses on those she hates. I wonder if her "friends" mind being the pounding board of her insanity? Let's look into this...she whines about the people she hates for banning her and she puts up all her "straws" about the things people have done to her - nevermind that she had actually brought it all on herself, making a habit of threatening people or by imagining some deep dark conspiracy (that in reality was some person who simply didn't care about Dirk cruises, et al) or pissed off at someone who really doesn't give a rat's ass about her miserable life. Whining with all her weak proclaimations against the human race, she whines more and she gets what she asks for, i.e. people bashing her for acting like an idiot. A grown woman who has the writing style of a four-year-old. Who sounds like someone of a very young age who hasn't been properly educated in the ways of social behaviour or how to behave in a society online or elsewhere. Now comes the "friends". The people who believe everything she tells them to believe, the people who are greatly devoted to her and go out and stalk all her enemies for her and then send her links so she can go in and attack her enemies. Do you buy it? I thought not. Any real friend, if they are your friend will come up to bat for you and Misery is the first person that would jump all over any opportunity she can to get someone else, anyone else, to go into whatever society she's got a grudge against, to speak on her behalf.
However, all these "friends" she has, has never once indentified themselves nor made themselves known in the slightest. They simply don't exist, except in her mind. But there "they" are, giving her all the scoop on her enemies and sending her "links to sites" or "links to pages" etc. How depressing it must be to have "friends" who live to send you bad tidings about yourself or what's being said about you (this sounds like a type of Betty-friendship wherein she acts like a friend but secretly gloats at seeing her bashed). A real friend would ignore what others say about a "friend". A real friend would also tell you to ignore it all. But Misery's "friends" are something else. They don't want to be seen or heard from, but they stick up for her vigorously, in private-like, behind closed doors? These are the kind of fragmented, not-well-thought-out realities Misery conjures up in her imaginary world. Nobody acts or functions in the way she has tried to create a "friend" as a real (or even believeable) person. Are these "friends" afraid of Misery's enemies? Cock-n-Bull story - the only one afraid of her enemies is Misery herself. No sane person would stick up for a "friend" and then act like the CIA is watching them. No one else on the planet cares what Misery's claims of abuse involves...so you'd have to think maybe all her "friends" are insane enough to follow her, stick up for her but at the same time, can't reveal themselves for fear of backlash. Misery's "friends" are something alright. They don't want to be seen but they sure spend all their time stalking Misery's enemies (victims), and privately supporting her while staying out of the picture so Misery gets what she asks for and they seem to love all the misery involved with the wretched debris in Misery's wake.
Is that sounding like she has any real "friends"? Or maybe Misery's "friends" don't wanna be seen or heard from because they've all been warned by Misery herself that if they stick up for her online they'll get attacked...hmm, it's rather backstabbing of her, in that case, that she brings them up all the time...and in some cases even names them. Isn't that sorta, kinda like feeding them right into the slaughter if her "warnings" were true? And funny that she addresses all these actions of enemies saying this or that and then brings in her troop of "friends" and gives exact links to where she (oops, I mean her "friends") have been reading and stalking the sites in question. That's a dead giveaway if her "friends" were lurking somewhere and were trying to not blow their cover, since they have to be so hidden and so elusive so that they are protected from a society of people she hates. Well, she just blew the whistle on her OWN "friends". Wow. Her elusive, non-existent friends who are the picture-perfect creation of her own idea of what she is; a coward who isn't that bright. They shouldn't mind, though, being exposed in any society Misery is mad at because they are, after all, complete puppets dancing to her every whim and not once questioning why they are to spy on such n such society or forum. They totally buy her whole lie hook, line and sinker. Something tells me that her failed relationships with real people pretty much went the same way and they weren't allowed indivuduality, or to think for themselves, either. Misery is sure lucky to have found some "friends" who will do anything she asks without question. Albeit her "friends" have been warned about the kind of trouble Misery has (gotten herself into).
Speaking of Misery's "warnings" did she not once warn a whole group of people to not say anything against her lest they meet some horrible fate? Um, yes, she did. That's been documented and witnessed by many people. Most of which are the same people she threatened to begin with. The simple truth: Misery has no friends and is a loner and does not do well in groups of people. She sees people as crutches to her own discombobulated thoughts. When she did manage to get any sympathic person to listen to her drama, she'd send someone to their own death for her and when they grew tired of the grief she caused, they were grouped along with all her other victims. She's done it many times before, naming people as her devoted followers if they even so much as responded casually to her whining. No one who's ever come across her path has known her to do anything but whine, threaten and harass. The one friend she had; Betty, is always brought up BY NAME into her dramas and was always used as a crutch. Of course, Betty being just like her was an amusing thing to witness as they both went around and attacked others in the name of "friendship" and you'd see two idiots getting banned and deleted. Kinda like a Tweedledee, Tweedledum thing going on there. But all these "friends" that she claims to have are never named for the most part. Maybe she can only think of names she's heard on TV...and people know that she'd stab at any chance to bring a real-life person into her hellish life and her ongoing online whining and to give a real indentity to any real-life person so she could validate herself. Now that Betty has since disappeared and, like Misery who loves company, Betty can also enjoy having no friends except the imaginary kind or the vicious Michigan stalker who would gladly feed her to any death machine for her own purposes.
"In one of her many attacks, she barged in on the group and started posting links, two of them; one a silly recroom group and one a rather dull-looking Michigan group...I think she was trying to get people to join those groups so she could scream "I'm being stalked!" but nobody paid any attention to her and her giving links out to so-called 'stalkers' was seen as her stupid attempt to stir up shit in the groups where they were apparently growing tired of her. Nobody from Neta's group would join any of those groups so her plan to cause grief on those other groups fell apart. Or maybe she thought she was going to prove she had a friend because someone new probably answered one of her many nagging posts, who knows?" --quoted from a letter written in August 2006
But Misery has gotten all her imaginary friends as great supporters but still obsesses on those she hates. I wonder if her "friends" mind being the pounding board of her insanity? Let's look into this...she whines about the people she hates for banning her and she puts up all her "straws" about the things people have done to her - nevermind that she had actually brought it all on herself, making a habit of threatening people or by imagining some deep dark conspiracy (that in reality was some person who simply didn't care about Dirk cruises, et al) or pissed off at someone who really doesn't give a rat's ass about her miserable life. Whining with all her weak proclaimations against the human race, she whines more and she gets what she asks for, i.e. people bashing her for acting like an idiot. A grown woman who has the writing style of a four-year-old. Who sounds like someone of a very young age who hasn't been properly educated in the ways of social behaviour or how to behave in a society online or elsewhere. Now comes the "friends". The people who believe everything she tells them to believe, the people who are greatly devoted to her and go out and stalk all her enemies for her and then send her links so she can go in and attack her enemies. Do you buy it? I thought not. Any real friend, if they are your friend will come up to bat for you and Misery is the first person that would jump all over any opportunity she can to get someone else, anyone else, to go into whatever society she's got a grudge against, to speak on her behalf.
However, all these "friends" she has, has never once indentified themselves nor made themselves known in the slightest. They simply don't exist, except in her mind. But there "they" are, giving her all the scoop on her enemies and sending her "links to sites" or "links to pages" etc. How depressing it must be to have "friends" who live to send you bad tidings about yourself or what's being said about you (this sounds like a type of Betty-friendship wherein she acts like a friend but secretly gloats at seeing her bashed). A real friend would ignore what others say about a "friend". A real friend would also tell you to ignore it all. But Misery's "friends" are something else. They don't want to be seen or heard from, but they stick up for her vigorously, in private-like, behind closed doors? These are the kind of fragmented, not-well-thought-out realities Misery conjures up in her imaginary world. Nobody acts or functions in the way she has tried to create a "friend" as a real (or even believeable) person. Are these "friends" afraid of Misery's enemies? Cock-n-Bull story - the only one afraid of her enemies is Misery herself. No sane person would stick up for a "friend" and then act like the CIA is watching them. No one else on the planet cares what Misery's claims of abuse involves...so you'd have to think maybe all her "friends" are insane enough to follow her, stick up for her but at the same time, can't reveal themselves for fear of backlash. Misery's "friends" are something alright. They don't want to be seen but they sure spend all their time stalking Misery's enemies (victims), and privately supporting her while staying out of the picture so Misery gets what she asks for and they seem to love all the misery involved with the wretched debris in Misery's wake.
Is that sounding like she has any real "friends"? Or maybe Misery's "friends" don't wanna be seen or heard from because they've all been warned by Misery herself that if they stick up for her online they'll get attacked...hmm, it's rather backstabbing of her, in that case, that she brings them up all the time...and in some cases even names them. Isn't that sorta, kinda like feeding them right into the slaughter if her "warnings" were true? And funny that she addresses all these actions of enemies saying this or that and then brings in her troop of "friends" and gives exact links to where she (oops, I mean her "friends") have been reading and stalking the sites in question. That's a dead giveaway if her "friends" were lurking somewhere and were trying to not blow their cover, since they have to be so hidden and so elusive so that they are protected from a society of people she hates. Well, she just blew the whistle on her OWN "friends". Wow. Her elusive, non-existent friends who are the picture-perfect creation of her own idea of what she is; a coward who isn't that bright. They shouldn't mind, though, being exposed in any society Misery is mad at because they are, after all, complete puppets dancing to her every whim and not once questioning why they are to spy on such n such society or forum. They totally buy her whole lie hook, line and sinker. Something tells me that her failed relationships with real people pretty much went the same way and they weren't allowed indivuduality, or to think for themselves, either. Misery is sure lucky to have found some "friends" who will do anything she asks without question. Albeit her "friends" have been warned about the kind of trouble Misery has (gotten herself into).
Speaking of Misery's "warnings" did she not once warn a whole group of people to not say anything against her lest they meet some horrible fate? Um, yes, she did. That's been documented and witnessed by many people. Most of which are the same people she threatened to begin with. The simple truth: Misery has no friends and is a loner and does not do well in groups of people. She sees people as crutches to her own discombobulated thoughts. When she did manage to get any sympathic person to listen to her drama, she'd send someone to their own death for her and when they grew tired of the grief she caused, they were grouped along with all her other victims. She's done it many times before, naming people as her devoted followers if they even so much as responded casually to her whining. No one who's ever come across her path has known her to do anything but whine, threaten and harass. The one friend she had; Betty, is always brought up BY NAME into her dramas and was always used as a crutch. Of course, Betty being just like her was an amusing thing to witness as they both went around and attacked others in the name of "friendship" and you'd see two idiots getting banned and deleted. Kinda like a Tweedledee, Tweedledum thing going on there. But all these "friends" that she claims to have are never named for the most part. Maybe she can only think of names she's heard on TV...and people know that she'd stab at any chance to bring a real-life person into her hellish life and her ongoing online whining and to give a real indentity to any real-life person so she could validate herself. Now that Betty has since disappeared and, like Misery who loves company, Betty can also enjoy having no friends except the imaginary kind or the vicious Michigan stalker who would gladly feed her to any death machine for her own purposes.
"In one of her many attacks, she barged in on the group and started posting links, two of them; one a silly recroom group and one a rather dull-looking Michigan group...I think she was trying to get people to join those groups so she could scream "I'm being stalked!" but nobody paid any attention to her and her giving links out to so-called 'stalkers' was seen as her stupid attempt to stir up shit in the groups where they were apparently growing tired of her. Nobody from Neta's group would join any of those groups so her plan to cause grief on those other groups fell apart. Or maybe she thought she was going to prove she had a friend because someone new probably answered one of her many nagging posts, who knows?" --quoted from a letter written in August 2006
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