Saturday, June 16, 2007

Stalker's Scares...Have Failed Miserably

The latest attempts of the BSG Stalker are laughable, at best. Anyone who is faced with a stalker will soon discover that one of the only weapons they are able to employ is that of fear. While the intentions of the predator are to put the fear of God in their targeted victims who have spoken out against them and their threats, the predator will also prove their stalking by the continued obsessive posting about their victims. The BSG Stalker has showed indefinitely that she is still a stalker. Statements regarding that the victim has been checked up or checked on is a clear proclamation that Misery is still stalking or to put it more accurately in her latest attempts to threaten the victims, that she has made-up persons aiding her in her stalking activities. Along with the stalker's continued harassing posts on other boards, it is very clear who the stalker is. Her previous failed attempts to scare or worry her targets, including the tired, years of threatening them with supposed attempts on their lives; Satanists and Wiccans who are to burn them [the victims] and to do all manner of harm to them, hacking them, or making claims that the police, and other federal authorities are going to do something to them, all has been addressed and has sent the police to her door after investigations of the suspect's activities have been proven to be of a harmful nature. All of Misery's threats have changed from one side of the spectrum to the other.

It's really something, isn't it? The first ever threat one of the victims received after banning Misery in early 2004 was something along the lines of being raped by a metallic object. The next deluge of threats consisted of death threats in the form of Wiccans who knew where the victim lived. The following deluge of threats consisted of doing bodily harm, then threats of mafia hitmen was used because previous threats were reported but ultimately laughed off as the crazy babblings Misery is famous for. And then came the threats of the police being informed of the victims and how they would deal with the victims - while the stalker tried to play the victim she continued to victimize her targets with repeated attempts with numerous IDs to attack online message boards where she was quickly removed and in her mad attacks upon other boards that were unfortunately without an active moderator. She tried to rally unsuspecting list members into her drama about some imaginary mafia that she made up. She would also appear in other forums and try to lie to those members. A few people had posted her info and other facts about her to show that she was, indeed lying. Misery just whined and went on her typical pity me episodes. She thought it fine to attack her victims in their respective boards, but nobody was supposed to let the truth be known about what she really is. She dished it out year after year, but she couldn't take it. All her threats varying and changing throughout the course of the years that have followed. The stalker still continues to make it clear that she intends to further harass and try to scare her victims. Nothing she states online has any truth to it and it tells volumes of her life and what's happening in her life and it's obvious that she's shunned by people in her day-to-day life. While she copies what others have said to try to make it her own, she fails miserably at all of her attempts to diminish or belittle her targets into nothing so she can have some kind of "control" over them. She is laughed at and people, for the most part, just ignore her as they should. They know she's full of it and isn't a rational individual.

They also note how contradicting her stories and posts are from one another. One close source says; "She claims she's some beautiful, healthy person but you can tell by looking at her that is definitely NOT the case." Another source says; "She posts that she wishes Dirk would date ugly people in so many words and if she's so pretty and healthy why would she turn right around and bash Dirk for wanting to surround himself with people that are attractive???? None of her posts mesh or make any sense and I'm feeling a little annoyed that I've been introduced to this nut idiot who should have her HD taken away and investigated by the police." One recent letter I had gotten from one of the first people who has had the unfortunate mishap of actually being one of Misery's obsessions, states the following; "She stepped up her stalking in 2005, after imagining that Dirk had come to see -her- and I'm sure he regretted doing the Motor City Con or wherever he was booked to show up at...she went immediately into a full-blown stalking binge and wrote all kinds of filthy things and then made numerous harassing and threatening calls to my then phone-number and even posted it to a BSG board, then she tried to spoof members of that board and tried to force apologies out of all the people who had banned her. She was banned for very good threatening members and obsessive-stalking posting about the celebrity she stalks. I had to ban her after she kept posting threats to my members who were sick of her obsessive and obviously made-up cruise stories. I didn't even have a dog in the race (i.e. I didn't care what happened on any cruise)...I really wasn't reading her posts, I just skimmed and I chuckled to myself at how childish she came across...but that was the EXTENT of all I did. I never posted anything in response to her posts, I was just letting her run her mouth. And I got threatened, attacked and stalked anyway. I was being threatened by her because I wouldn't join her in her quest to force everyone to listen to slander about Dirk, his cruise events and his staff. I was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time when she decided to make it her life-long goal to have me killed. She's put everyone through hell for many years. She has no life and has wasted all her time trying to do all manner of harm and has only ended up as the ignored but notorious troll-turned-stalker that she is. I've been stalked since early '04. Last I heard she was spouting off that she had some, get this, IRS agent/pilot/government worker [laughs] doing look-ups and it's [to me] so laughable because if even 1% of her spewings were true she'd know not to fuck with me...and she'd know that she'd have nothing to give to her imaginary goon. She gets herself banned all the time from wherever she's at because she cannot stop herself from being the creep she is. She cannot stop making others listen to obvious stalker-like posts about people they've never met. They see how unrelenting she is and how repetitive she is. The only thing Misery manages to do is make more enemies. I've been a nemesis because I know she got shot down by messing with me. She freaked out because people have called her on her lies and criminal actions. They've put it back in her face. She proves with each passing day how desperate she is and how pathetic she really is. She still has this belief that she'll get to meet us and physically do something to me, Dirk and his agent. She is in need of psychiatric help. She's the kind of stalker who would assault someone if she could. That's why she's dangerous because she has posted on the internet her intentions of harming others. There are just too many to list here, but there are stacks of the documents of all her attacks, whether they were on others' sites or from her own accounts that have since been removed. Stalkers ALWAYS want to meet their victims so they can further victimize them. A victim NEVER wishes to meet their stalker, but a stalker dreams of meeting the victim. That's what gives their lives meaning, I guess. Stalkers are INCAPABLE of moving on beyond their obsessions. Misery has proven that she is a stalker in every sense of the word, in every conceivable sense. In the court system, the witnesses don't have to make testimony in front of the suspect. She'll never get her wish to carry out any of her vicious threats. After the police served her (in person) with a restraining order, she knew that she couldn't get away with contacting me directly but that doesn't mean her stalking has stopped. Oh she still stalks me and still obsesses about me in her ugly posts wherever she goes...but I know people will see what I've seen, they'll see how deeply disturbed she is. If I were to ever have the misfortune of coming across her, I'd kick her right in the face, then I'd have to spray a can of Lysol all over my boot afterwards. But she doesn't have any affect on me other than that of silent pity. I really have forgotten of her existence in her absence from any of my sites and wish to not hear of her stupid ass. As they say, out of sight - out of mind." 

In this conversation I had with one of Misery's victims, it should be evident that the victim has, indeed, seen in the full light of day how stalkers try to scare their intended victims and the fear, in the end, is null and void. It should be. Especially in this case because the victim knows for a fact that it's another ignorant attempt to try to get into the psyche of one of the persons Misery obsesses over. The abundance of lies that Misery makes up are revealing of the drama she creates, then believes herself and then attempts to use it to make others fear her for the control and attention she seeks. Stalkers are control freaks, after all. They got to have your fear if nothing else. What's so laughable about Misery's lies is that every one of them can be proven for the falsehoods they are with a simple search here and there. She really doesn't realize how kindergarten or how transparent she reveals herself to be. She has had numerous bans and removals of her obsessive and slanderous accounts over the last few months (and years) and still will not cease and desist. Like one of the victims states; "...She will not stop until she is forced to stop. Until then she will be out of control. Going around and making a complete ass of herself. But it's no longer my problem. She cannot touch anywhere near me now. Everywhere I'm at, the administrators or moderators have been alerted to watch out for her attacks (which will be obvious and blatant attacks)...they know what's up."

Take note, dear reader, it is always a good idea to let others know that you may be attacked at any given time. It is Misery's nature to try to feed off of your isolation. If you're not isolated and you let as many people know about the situation, the more you have the light of day and the numbers on your side. A stalker will always try to bank on the belief that anywhere you are active, that nobody knows you well or will know what's happening. LET PEOPLE KNOW what's happening and any attempts the stalker [Misery] makes will be immediately purged. It's like being in a very public place to scream for help rather than in a dark alley.


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