Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Case of the BSG Stalker

The credit for this entry must go to my good friends, whom without their help, this page wouldn't be possible. I am only using this blog to document things already on the internet. Links, and other blogs and forums and so forth. Here is one part of the saga of whole groups of people who have been trying to avoid a particularly nasty troll turned stalker that first appeared on a sci-fi board and the celebrity forum of one of the stars of a favorite sci-fi series. Her true identity will not be shared here (albeit she herself gives it away in various other places) but I will use the name Misery as it covers a wide range. It is also based on the Stephen King character; Annie Wilkes as played by Kathy Bates.

A Stalker's Twisting of Reality:
This account of a Con Event in 2005, is totally fabricated. The celebrity in question has stated that the story being told is completely inaccurate. Also worth noting is that there are several variations of the story from that who authored it, including vicious accounts of the actor selling drugs, and hiring prostitutes as spies to follow her around. WTF? Those claims came after she could not get him to respond to her usual slew of made-up stories. UPDATE 4-28-08 Recently the deranged fan has claimed there is video footage of the celebrity calling her from across a crowded room. Yes, her story just keeps changing and being added onto as she insanely goes along. I hope she has a good lawyer because there is no videotape and the event she describes did NOT happen the way she claims. Misery still posting libel. Stalkers always make such outrageous claims to try to sucker the layman into believing something that isn't factual. Stalkers get some kind of "high" out of being able to lie about how a celebrity they are obsessed with is supposedly attracted to them.

Misery attacks a Help Forum:
In this, she clearly shows her intentions to further harass her victim Nacky. She also admits to making threats and harassing phone calls but still seeks the board's sympathy and asks for help and tries to give the impression that she had no idea that Nacky was even there until AFTER joining. Nobody believed it for a minute, everything she posted was so transparent and laughable and none of anything she claimed made any sense. The celebrity she mentions loves her and then hates her? Why would Yahoo tell her to call the police while removing her account? Nothing she stated made any sense. She's clearly out of control. The forum owner banned her from further posting.

Attacking Blogs:
Misery attacks an online article, displaying her hatred for the celebrity in question (although in the above forum she states that she likes/loves him) and writing false accusations towards the celebrity's press agent and others.

Attacking Blogs part 2:
This account is even more revealing, as the celebrity in question has since blocked the stalker's fan mail. Note the remarks about him having no friends. That speaks volumes of the stalker's disappointment at not being able to get to her idol as it appears that snail mail was her only avenue to get his attention.

Attacking Blogs part 3:
Another example of Misery's hit and run attacks. There are many reasons why she has been banned from sites to do with the celebrity she stalks. Her claims that certain individuals will come after any person is based solely on her own created drama to garner attention from anyone who has posted reviews about the television series in which the actor is involved.

Attacking Blogs part 4:
In this random blog, she attacks again and although she had attacked Dirk's character in previous blogs and other forums, not to mention all her used-solely-for-harassment-and-slander myspace accounts, she has the nerve to ask him to "help her". Could anything be more pathetic?

Attacking Blogs part 5:
Scroll down to response #9. Does this nut have an agenda or what? I mean nobody called themselves "Dirkette Mafia", Misery is the one who threw that name around. Here she's trying to imply that there is such a group of people. While the blog does decry Dirk's article of some years ago, Misery's appearance here has nothing to do with the article or with his remarks but to simply spew more hatred and bitterness. It's really disgusting when you see her malign Dirk in this way and then look at her comments on the Ying Blog (see Attacking Blogs part 4) where she asks him for help. She hates him and she wants him. Just pathetic.

One Victim Offers Testimony:
Here is a chilling account in a month-by-month, year-by-year diary the victim has kept after encountering the stalker firsthand in late 2003. This is also posted with persmisson. All links herein are open to the public.

Monday, July 10, 2006


The stories I will be sharing are from various incidents of online stalkers. It started out with two mentally unstable women (Betty & Kathryn) who'd attack various lists and forums and acted like the trolls they are. It has since dwindled down to just one overly obsessed individual who still stalks and harasses and even still makes the occasional threat against parties who have long since banned her. Names are changed for obvious reasons and those who have worked with me to help put this blog together have given their express permission to share their stories and whatever information, such as screen-names, etc. to help others know what to look for and what actions can be taken to stop online stalkers.

This blog is to help people out there, who might become a victim, to know what to look for and how to avoid it...

Please do not e-mail me anything you don't want to be read in court.