Friday, November 11, 2011

Comments from the Back Up: CFM

Thursday, November 27, 2008


September 2nd, 2008, 12:18pm: Mark

HA! Yes that ani is sure one egotisical, bullying self centered lying sack! I can't believe those people don't see how she's turning that whole thing into a cry-for-misery thing. But she and misery are good friends. Misery has stated that so many times and ani certainly never denounced it. I'll bet she thinks that she's just astounding readers with her novel mix of emotional neutrality and critical integrity.

September 3rd, 2008, 3:07pm: Will

She manipulates people via telling them her version of things via private messages, and when anyone posts anything that can even remotely give her a way in to poison the truth publicly (or just unbiased comments) she'll step in and fill it up with lies and make it all look like everyone has made the same conclusions as she has. They don't see it because her MO is that underhanded. She'll respond "Exactly!" alot and even to things that weren't looking for any confirmation. She's simply a manipulator. Her posts in *********** under the topic Another Message are mainly pro Misery and anti Misery's victims. She has really painted them to look like the culprits (even naming a "culprit" in what she *claims* was someone "bragging" about stalking to her personally) and you know that's bullshit. *** had that whole thread pretty much against the victims and FOR Misery by the end of it when it was really about how misery had pm'd the LJer who was basically angry about the things Misery had said. But *** turned it all around, took literally everything out of context, LIED and then left the scene without any thought of her actions. *** JUMPED on ANYTHING *****, ***** and * said and quickly swayed their thinking into her fucked up spiel. She looked for the opening and got right in there. She's an "Obscurer of Truth". Don't even get me started on the other big liar in that bunch! The one responsible for dragging bystanders into her personal bitterness at life and the fact that she got quite a hard knock on the head when she realized that playing with Misery gave her a bloodly nose and she SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!!

October 12th, 2008, 10:31pm: anti-katie

You all might not have been there when she totally fucked up in the Harry Potter fandom. She "claims" that she's innocent but she was caught in all her disgusting and hurtful games she played on people. I swear to God that girl just LIVES to cause people grief and anguish. She sees what she thinks is an injustice and instead of getting "facts" (the thing she wails on about but somehow never does practice what she preaches) she'll just go ahead and lie and backstab because she actually thinks she's doing everyone a favour by exposing some dark intentions of someone she has gotten into her mind as "the bad guy". Nevermind that she never actually TALKED to the people who were being maligned she just took the real bad guy's word as the gospel truth. In the HP fandom she got two people at each other's throats because they believed what she was telling them about the other and she was doing that to BOTH sides. She'd run to one person and say that the other had said things that were never said then run to the second person and do a vice versa and that person was lead to believe things were said and so she managed to get them to fighting with each other. But alas, her game didn't last too long. Hmpff! She still probably gloats about her misdeeds to this day!

October 12th, 2008, 10:47pm: UnNotoSoi

Absolutely RIGHT! If she didn't want the headache of misery, and she had already been warned about her, why did she go and start talking to her and participating in her online drama? Yeah and I don't know but it blatantly seemed to me that ani was certainly attacking everyone BUT misery. Actually it seemed to me that she was not only defending misery but making all these outrageous claims -that we all know is bullshit- and it's allways in a "oh I got a letter saying so" which doesn't prove a thing and makes her look more of a liar, oh geez I got a letter saying so! Yeah that's it! Yeah right. Don't believe it for a second! Especially when her so-called "letters" she says she got a lot of, just don't seem to actually exist. Otherwise, you'd think she'd have enough smarts to post the header information of such. At least the dates and times, no? Talk about manipulating people into thinking we're all the bad guys! I wonder if ani and misery are actually the same person. I think they are. Or she's totally enslaved to misery. eeeww! A misery minion!

October 14, 2008, 1:13am: PeterH

They sat there in judgement, thinking they're the only ones capable of handing out Justice, judgement, responsibility and punishment - the only problem is, they did it with vicious lies and attacks. I guess it was to "teach a lesson" because we defended ourselves and they can't stand that we even dared defend ourselves to begin with. So they can justify their horrible, underhanded and evil actions. Those two must have an aspiration to become the world's next dictators. And they're waging their campaigns via lj! How pathetic. How sad.

But it's ok in their minds because they're the only ones who should sit in judgement of all else and if they're mad, then everyone watch out! They have ljs and will post all manner of bile, bullshit and crazy. ani is a pro at posting lies and manipulating rumours until she's caught. Then she petends dead or something or pretends that someone close to her died. But she's an angry little bitch who's got that "I'm the Queen Bee" and it's only ok for her to lie and post angry fury left and right.

They really couldn't stand that they were so wrong about Misery. They spent so much time thniking she was such a wonderful little person and that we all had to be wrong and evil and bad bad people, but she showed them. aaand instead of admitting they were wrong, and sucking it up, what did they do? They simply attacked all of us and poor ***** got the brunt of it. Vain assholes who couldn't care less about the sharpnel they inflict on others are THE most disgusting lowlife scum sucking bottom-of-the-barrell mouth-breathing trailer trash that sleazes on the Earth! Hey ani, how's that porkrind? ya fucking assleak.

Oh and the "Fabricating evidence and I got a letter of bragging about stalking from *the* culprit, yak yak yak, etc." yeah, talk about fabricating evidence. Where's your letter, Ani? Oh that's right you only publish what you choose to, or could it be just another one of your lies?

November 25th, 2008, 2:19pm: Prefer to stay Anonymous

She blamed me for delaying her HP Project because I confronted her about the lies she had posted on ***********. So she thought she'd blame me for that. Nevermind that she certainly must have had so much time on her hands to be running her ignorant mouth on other people's LJs, twisting what others said, taking things way out of context and flat out lying to be too concerned with her "project", but all of the sudden I come to address those things and her & her friends' attacks on the P&T board and suddenly I'm the cause of her being behind on her little "project". *** is disgusting; always blaming someone or something for delaying her HP Project, and believe me I'm not the only one who got blamed for her lack of finishing her dumb wankish project. It'll never get done because of *** herself. She certainly found enough time off from her "project" to sit there and bash me on ********** and spend all that time spreading lies and manipulating people in the Dirk fandom for the benefit of either her own sick need to cause trouble (like she did in the HP fandom years ago, obviously) or for the benefit of Misery, or both. She found herself alot of time to indulge in smear campaigns and run off decent honest people, like ************, ******, and, **** and everytime she is behind on her "project" it's always someone else's fault. Oh and I won't bother to ask her for her side of the story on that HP thing. She never gave me that courtesy when she was having a gay old time listening to her little friend, having complete meltdowns about me although she never once contacted me about what I witnessed, going around and posting crazy crap, enjoying the drama and attention her little friend brought to her url. Why should I give her any benefit of the doubt? I was certainly never allowed to it. I was already tried, convicted and sentenced to death in her mind and she never once asked me a DAMNED question about any of the shit! NOT once! So much for her speeches on "fairness" huh? Personally I think she's so obsessed with her little friend and her ego that she's totally bought into her own publicity. But as anti-katie said in William's blog; Leos are famous bullies. So here it is; late November and I hadn't said a thing to her since I confronted her lying bullshit in late August. What's her excuse about her project this time? Yeah, that's what I thought too.

November 25th, 2008, 2:30pm: anti-katie

Bravo! Anon, bravo! THANK YOU!

Oh and "Exaclty!" :p

November 25th, 2008, 2:34pm: Will

Well she did say that her posts would make ***** mad and that it was funny to do. O just did it to be vindictive. So much for her preaching and bitching with that vile mouth of hers about others' comments on Tracy's blog. So you see she's not concerned with any truth or any hurt feelings. They're just some really disgusting people who want to hurt others and feel their sick need to kick the victims in the gut. Punish the victims (and hey I'm just one in a long line of them) but those particular two assholes want to punish the victims because it must be our faults that misery is so fucked up and how dare us not kiss her ass like they have and feel sorry for her and not give her the media attention she so deserves. Nevermind the injured parties. We don't count. We're not bringing traffic to their micro following so we're obviously not even humans to them but they sure can talk smack and bullshit and make shit up as they go along in their delusional grandieur. It's a wonder ********* even reported her at that forum. I think she misses her badly.

December 4th, 2008, 7:19pm: ByeHecked

Those idiots who wanna kiss Misery's ass are only railing against everyone because their sole purpose in life is to make excuses for Misery. Oh and ani isn't all that. I can't even begin to count how many sock puppets she's got and I think readysteadystop and zaushy are her also. But ani, liar though she is, is not nearly as jealous of the real victims as that old hag who does nothing but bully people online all day and night. I hear she even badgered that press agent about what she said in her OWN blog and had her remove her own statement about that girl being especially terrorized by that nutbar! Jealous much? Does not want that press agent to even acknowledge others. It's all about her and her wonder-"full" self. Sick. Sick. Sick. I wonder how many years that douchehag has walked around with that hypocritical-tree up her ass?