While the case of the BSG Stalker could not have been avoided since the suspect is a disturbed individual and prevents anyone from reasoning with her, the only thing the victims can do in this situation is to block every known email address that she uses and to keep security settings on their forums, etc. The only thing the celebrity who is being stalked and harassed can do is to have his postmaster send back all fan mail and gifts that come from her and to have his sites on alert from any of her ambushes. In the years that have followed there have been numerous attacks against the actor, his site and his staff.
The stalker in this case has also threatened others and done all manner of harm that she could attacking blogs, forums, groups, mailing lists and has even attacked petitions. All the while complaining that she's being stalked and complains of getting threats. None of which is true other than some random person she's tried to threaten who'd gotten even by posting that she's a troll. She has also showed no signs of ceasing her ongoing war against everyone whom she sees as a barrier between her and the celebrity. She screams leave me alone but has never once stopped using free online accounts to stalk others and post hateful and untrue things about them. All in all, even if a handful of script kiddies out there or the victims themselves had retaliated and tried to purge her in any way they could, it's still the BSG Stalker who acts the hypocrite. The situation with the BSG Stalker, was only avoidable if she never found your site (if it had anything to do with the actor she's obsessed with - then your site was indeed found by her) and ONLY if you simply didn't disagree with her bashing and harassment could you have escaped being dragged into her drama. There was a lesser troll, one who was caught red-handed in aiding the stalker to spam lists and instead of taking any responsibility she made the whole thing worse by pretending to be a close friend of Misery and then went on to attack various message boards until all her accounts were deleted. The only reason she teamed up with Misery wasn't out of friendship - but out of the fact that she destroyed any respect or friendships she had made prior to being Misery's follower. She literally had noting else after that. However that individual has since disappeared from sight. But the majority of the fandom who operate and use the sites were still not free of Misery's numerous attempted ploys for attention and attacks. Stalkers are, as you can see, pretty much unavoidable if you happen to attract the obsession of one. The best thing to do is ride it out and keep logs, keep documents and files and report it all to the police. It may not seem, at first, that anything will be done but once you obtain a police investigation - you're already on the way away from a stalker. It just takes time. Be strong!
The stalker in this case has also threatened others and done all manner of harm that she could attacking blogs, forums, groups, mailing lists and has even attacked petitions. All the while complaining that she's being stalked and complains of getting threats. None of which is true other than some random person she's tried to threaten who'd gotten even by posting that she's a troll. She has also showed no signs of ceasing her ongoing war against everyone whom she sees as a barrier between her and the celebrity. She screams leave me alone but has never once stopped using free online accounts to stalk others and post hateful and untrue things about them. All in all, even if a handful of script kiddies out there or the victims themselves had retaliated and tried to purge her in any way they could, it's still the BSG Stalker who acts the hypocrite. The situation with the BSG Stalker, was only avoidable if she never found your site (if it had anything to do with the actor she's obsessed with - then your site was indeed found by her) and ONLY if you simply didn't disagree with her bashing and harassment could you have escaped being dragged into her drama. There was a lesser troll, one who was caught red-handed in aiding the stalker to spam lists and instead of taking any responsibility she made the whole thing worse by pretending to be a close friend of Misery and then went on to attack various message boards until all her accounts were deleted. The only reason she teamed up with Misery wasn't out of friendship - but out of the fact that she destroyed any respect or friendships she had made prior to being Misery's follower. She literally had noting else after that. However that individual has since disappeared from sight. But the majority of the fandom who operate and use the sites were still not free of Misery's numerous attempted ploys for attention and attacks. Stalkers are, as you can see, pretty much unavoidable if you happen to attract the obsession of one. The best thing to do is ride it out and keep logs, keep documents and files and report it all to the police. It may not seem, at first, that anything will be done but once you obtain a police investigation - you're already on the way away from a stalker. It just takes time. Be strong!