Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Misery's Imaginary Friends

She's practiced it so many times that she's gotten her spiel perfected (in her mind) to an exact science. She whines for sympathy all over the place, oh how people have done her wrong despite the fact that she is always the one who instigates and starts all the grief you read about. But whine she does and the straws she grasps at are her petty complaints against people she's wronged. The innocent bystanders of group owners who have had her come after them viciously, can tell you horror stories but if they've said one thing about her psychotic tantrums - they've all gotten labelled as stalkers or misguided fools. She won't allow anyone the freedom of speech but she has blasted everyone for denying her that freedom because, you see, she can't post her bile on their boards anymore because they've all banned her.

But Misery has gotten all her imaginary friends as great supporters but still obsesses on those she hates. I wonder if her "friends" mind being the pounding board of her insanity? Let's look into this...she whines about the people she hates for banning her and she puts up all her "straws" about the things people have done to her - nevermind that she had actually brought it all on herself, making a habit of threatening people or by imagining some deep dark conspiracy (that in reality was some person who simply didn't care about Dirk cruises, et al) or pissed off at someone who really doesn't give a rat's ass about her miserable life. Whining with all her weak proclaimations against the human race, she whines more and she gets what she asks for, i.e. people bashing her for acting like an idiot. A grown woman who has the writing style of a four-year-old. Who sounds like someone of a very young age who hasn't been properly educated in the ways of social behaviour or how to behave in a society online or elsewhere. Now comes the "friends". The people who believe everything she tells them to believe, the people who are greatly devoted to her and go out and stalk all her enemies for her and then send her links so she can go in and attack her enemies. Do you buy it? I thought not. Any real friend, if they are your friend will come up to bat for you and Misery is the first person that would jump all over any opportunity she can to get someone else, anyone else, to go into whatever society she's got a grudge against, to speak on her behalf.

However, all these "friends" she has, has never once indentified themselves nor made themselves known in the slightest. They simply don't exist, except in her mind. But there "they" are, giving her all the scoop on her enemies and sending her "links to sites" or "links to pages" etc. How depressing it must be to have "friends" who live to send you bad tidings about yourself or what's being said about you (this sounds like a type of Betty-friendship wherein she acts like a friend but secretly gloats at seeing her bashed). A real friend would ignore what others say about a "friend". A real friend would also tell you to ignore it all. But Misery's "friends" are something else. They don't want to be seen or heard from, but they stick up for her vigorously, in private-like, behind closed doors? These are the kind of fragmented, not-well-thought-out realities Misery conjures up in her imaginary world. Nobody acts or functions in the way she has tried to create a "friend" as a real (or even believeable) person. Are these "friends" afraid of Misery's enemies? Cock-n-Bull story - the only one afraid of her enemies is Misery herself. No sane person would stick up for a "friend" and then act like the CIA is watching them. No one else on the planet cares what Misery's claims of abuse involves...so you'd have to think maybe all her "friends" are insane enough to follow her, stick up for her but at the same time, can't reveal themselves for fear of backlash. Misery's "friends" are something alright. They don't want to be seen but they sure spend all their time stalking Misery's enemies (victims), and privately supporting her while staying out of the picture so Misery gets what she asks for and they seem to love all the misery involved with the wretched debris in Misery's wake.

Is that sounding like she has any real "friends"? Or maybe Misery's "friends" don't wanna be seen or heard from because they've all been warned by Misery herself that if they stick up for her online they'll get attacked...hmm, it's rather backstabbing of her, in that case, that she brings them up all the time...and in some cases even names them. Isn't that sorta, kinda like feeding them right into the slaughter if her "warnings" were true? And funny that she addresses all these actions of enemies saying this or that and then brings in her troop of "friends" and gives exact links to where she (oops, I mean her "friends") have been reading and stalking the sites in question. That's a dead giveaway if her "friends" were lurking somewhere and were trying to not blow their cover, since they have to be so hidden and so elusive so that they are protected from a society of people she hates. Well, she just blew the whistle on her OWN "friends". Wow. Her elusive, non-existent friends who are the picture-perfect creation of her own idea of what she is; a coward who isn't that bright. They shouldn't mind, though, being exposed in any society Misery is mad at because they are, after all, complete puppets dancing to her every whim and not once questioning why they are to spy on such n such society or forum. They totally buy her whole lie hook, line and sinker. Something tells me that her failed relationships with real people pretty much went the same way and they weren't allowed indivuduality, or to think for themselves, either. Misery is sure lucky to have found some "friends" who will do anything she asks without question. Albeit her "friends" have been warned about the kind of trouble Misery has (gotten herself into).

Speaking of Misery's "warnings" did she not once warn a whole group of people to not say anything against her lest they meet some horrible fate? Um, yes, she did. That's been documented and witnessed by many people. Most of which are the same people she threatened to begin with. The simple truth: Misery has no friends and is a loner and does not do well in groups of people. She sees people as crutches to her own discombobulated thoughts. When she did manage to get any sympathic person to listen to her drama, she'd send someone to their own death for her and when they grew tired of the grief she caused, they were grouped along with all her other victims. She's done it many times before, naming people as her devoted followers if they even so much as responded casually to her whining. No one who's ever come across her path has known her to do anything but whinethreaten and harass. The one friend she had; Betty, is always brought up BY NAME into her dramas and was always used as a crutch. Of course, Betty being just like her was an amusing thing to witness as they both went around and attacked others in the name of "friendship" and you'd see two idiots getting banned and deleted. Kinda like a Tweedledee, Tweedledum thing going on there. But all these "friends" that she claims to have are never named for the most part. Maybe she can only think of names she's heard on TV...and people know that she'd stab at any chance to bring a real-life person into her hellish life and her ongoing online whining and to give a real indentity to any real-life person so she could validate herself. Now that Betty has since disappeared and, like Misery who loves company, Betty can also enjoy having no friends except the imaginary kind or the vicious Michigan stalker who would gladly feed her to any death machine for her own purposes.

"In one of her many attacks, she barged in on the group and started posting links, two of them; one a silly recroom group and one a rather dull-looking Michigan group...I think she was trying to get people to join those groups so she could scream "I'm being stalked!" but nobody paid any attention to her and her giving links out to so-called 'stalkers' was seen as her stupid attempt to stir up shit in the groups where they were apparently growing tired of her. Nobody from Neta's group would join any of those groups so her plan to cause grief on those other groups fell apart. Or maybe she thought she was going to prove she had a friend because someone new probably answered one of her many nagging posts, who knows?" --quoted from a letter written in August 2006

Monday, June 25, 2007

Updates from the Grapevine

These are various quotes from other online sources, links may be provided.

"You see how she has a long history of making a fool of herself? How she has tried to spin all her sh*t and tried to twist it as if those she hates are the people who's being "yelled at" etc. It never ever occurs to her that she is insane and needs help. For the record nobody yelled at Tracy, and Tracy deleted her own post. Please don't believe nuttycase for one minute! Anyone listening to her would be the true misguided fool." --1384

"Her whole thing has been to bash and stalk and nothing she has EVER posted has had anything to do with anything outside of her obsessive "stalker" posting and bashing and whining. NOTHING BUT ALL HER RANCID STINK PILE god I was getting so sick of it! Does she *ever* stop?....But it sure is funny to see how she's brought down and it makes for good reading if you want to see a jerk get their just deserts." --4120

"I belong to one hacker site, and I'm friends with the people there and I've asked privately for help with that filthy hag in the past but it was all done legally and basically to rid myself of her obsessive and constant attacks. She started threatening me and my members of another board and has stalked and harassed me ever since I banned her. I was able to retaliate in some small ways. My hacker friends (who are basically white hat) knew what was happening and no, I've never went around and asked hackers for help in doing anything. I already had connections and therefore any mouthing off you see of Misery (and believe me wherever you see her - you're going to see mouthing off, generally very abusive too) you'll just see a bunch of insane dribble, it's like reading a strain of her mental breakdowns. People know just by reading anything she writes that she's gone. There's nothing that can be salvaged from that ravaged and diseased brain. It's her nature to be a total idiot and make an ass of herself." --1238

"Do you ever notice that in order for her to appear that she isn't stalking she'll blame some "friend" who had "sent her the link to such n such" so she could read "who said what and where" ?? It's like she's so obvious and people know she's a liar from the word go. She stalks what everyone else says on various other forums and she knows she's looking in on everyone but instead of just saying I saw you posting here and there (I'm sure she used to until she realized that she exposed herself as a stalker by posting her 'findings') she now says stupid bunk like 'Oh a friend told me about this' COME ON! Nobody buys it because everyone knows what a farking fraud she is!" --5565

"She's very self-destructive. Just in witnessing the last six months of her unending rants I have noted how damaged she is and I would wonder if Misery even realized how she's totally proving everyone's point about her. The more she talks, the more there can be no doubt. As far as what people have "done to her" it's laughable because I can see *why* and the things they have done was very obviously a reaction to her intial abuse, threats and her own actions." --0172

"She gets banned from everywhere. She is so pathetic. Why does she insist on continuing her cause, so lost, so dead, so exposed as a sick person in need of being put somewhere where she's not a danger to anyone?" --4319

"I remember when I was being threatened with all manner of death and harm and how I didn't stand a chance against her "mafia" that employees her as a 2$ an hour schmuck/cashier and how she knew all these Satan worshippers and big scary people. Funny that she has been seen stating that she's afraid of me...so like, where's all the big bad scary people that were going to clean my clock? Where are they? Oh, but I keep forgetting that imaginary people or the voices in her head don't count. LOL!" --1238

"I heard this has went on for years. Go back to the early 2000s and you've got group owners and other individuals who have been attacked/harassed/called/stalked by her; Wes, Dennis, Todd, Joe, Nacky to name but a few. She might be trying for a world record, who knows? She has a LONG list of people she has added for her "mission to cause misery" and this list grows as she goes around and annoys and then attacks people. Usually they're attacked if they don't buy into her lies and drama. That's what does it and so everyone will eventually end up on her "Who-To-Stalk-Next" list." --4120

"Does she even know what a "dead-giveaway" her profiles are? All these references to "death" and "killing people if she listens to rap" and all the other violent things she's posted, she proves what a major looney she is. PS anything she says about others is usually copied from what others have stated about her. She doesn't have any originality and she re-words things to fit her writing style which is usually misspelt and incorrect grammar." --9912

"All those childish attempts with her psycho accounts. They've shown her infantile mentality. There's only one other person who has been brought down with her so Misery did get, at least, one person to follow her to her own hell...that was Betty. And Betty has the same - exact infantile, trouble-making, shit-stirring mentality. Betty is the one who got caught red-handed in treachery and backstabbing and instead of taking responsibility for her actions, she teamed up with psycho lady to spam many groups. How childish and how lame. They definitely win the Darwin Awards for killing themselves on the net." --1238
"Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to ban her all over again. Just one example here of measures I've had to take by her always trying to sneak back in: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/battlestargalacticarevival/message/8726" --Chris (owner of a Battlestar Galactica yahoogroup)

"She'll go 'I'll just create another one and another one and another one' She just won't stop creating harassing profiles and getting them deleted. You can see her pattern as it repeats over and over. She won't stop. She also proves what that other girl has said about her loving to create profiles and getting them pulled but wow she'll just do another one. What a wretched life she must lead. She'll go to her grave obsessing over all the people she's stalking." --5565

"A grown woman going around the internet and making 'death-to-you' profiles and then non-stop nagging about some celebrity and then writing out sick and perverted hogwash and nagging about what people have said about her and she still doesn't see beyond the huge tip of her snout, it's really sad. I feel sorry for something as loathesome as Misery. She's obviously a very sad indivudual." --N/A

"She's made many an unprovoked attack to netizens and when they're provoked to fight back, she cries foul. She is foul." --W34Z

"She contradicts herself within three or four sentences everytime. She posted about how nobody reads her blog but Tracy, however in the next breath she claimed to have alot of "support" for her blog. She's such an obvious dumb woman. She's a bully who gets in people's faces (how charming) and provokes them into some reaction and then turns around and harasses them further. Then whines when they give her a taste of her own medicine. She and her flunkie Betty didn't like the taste of their own medicine now did they? I, myself, would like to know when she finally winds up in the big house." --HwTr

"She's a bully." --Jay

"In 2004 she attacked our group after being banned for making threats. Regardless of her reasons for making her threats (which was stupid of her in the first place) she went on a binge of monthly attacks with several different accounts like Silverfly, Shadowwarrior and all kinds of other childish crap and spammed several groups, not just ours then tried to place the blame on innocent parties which didn't fly as we all had the ip traces to prove who was really behind the attacks. She couldn't stand it when we fought back. She'll never take responsibility for her actions that she started and continued with. There was one point in 2004 when things were starting to get quiet again and she barged in again and began to attack with a new bunch of spam. She wasn't going to leave us alone..that much was clear. In 2005 alot of the members began fighting back and getting even." --M455

"She keeps changing her stories...and she keeps changing her realities. First Nacky was supposed to be on welfare, then to be audited by the IRS, then she's poor then she's rich. She was attacked with being friendless and having no friends, now her friends are all "thugs" and "mafia-ettes" and whatever. Dirk was attacked with having no friends. The truth is Misery has no friends. The complete contradicting nonsense that Misery thinks up because she keeps getting that DUH stick slapped upside her big dumb head. Misery lies so much that she really can't keep track of her lies or where she's said what. She'd be funny to watch trying to back-track through all her own filth. Maybe someone should post all the history of all she's posted....we know people have all her crap documented on files and even all her private, threatening e-mails to them throughout the years. Let everyone see what she's REALLY all about." --G230

"Did you ever see that train wreck of a blog? It was literally filled with her lies and misrepresentations of the truth. I checked out EVERYTHING she was claiming and those links she posted to "prove" something, only proved that she was the stalker NOT the people she claimed stalked her. Those dating sites only showed me that she "could not leave anyone alone"...those sites and other little tidbits just showed how she finally pushed someone over the edge enough to get revenge on her constant harassment of them. That's ALL it showed; that she had harassed THEM! I also NEVER found anywhere on the Dirk forum where Nacky said anything in that thread about her running around naked in Montana! Again another lie that she figured she could add to her story. She must like to put as many holes in her stories as possible. She must like to show herself as the liar she is. Anyone could do a simple search on anything she claims and come back with the facts and with the conclusion that she's a complete liar. She's like a Swiss Cheese Stalker - full of holes." --N/A

"Misery is so ignorant. She posted what she looked like so all those people who she was trying to lie to about her "looks" would know she was lying. Stupid is as stupid does." --G230

"You can almost understand her desire to start shit. She gets screwed over any time anyone has a spare chance because they've already been molested by her in some way. Maybe instead of trying to screw the people back, she'll correct the flaws that make us hate her? She throws punches, but thinks no one will throw some back. She's really quite vain and arrogant." --from l33t

"She keeps repeating her abusive behaviour over and over and her pattern is so easy to spot. She whines, talks shit, follows any Dirk fan or URL where they're at and has the effing nerve to claim others are stalking her when she's the one doing all the stalking. Then she complains that people hate her. Obviously she's never taken at look at her own shit or a mirror to even get the slightest clue of what she really is. A sad, pathetic and too far gone case." --Y08A

"Dirk's no dummy and knows exactly what she is. He's got a stack of letters over 10 inches high to prove she's nothing but a sad, miserable, obsessive fan. She'll never have what she wants, which is Dirk. And she knows it. That's why she's so angry and spouts her hatred online everywhere she can. Most people in Dirk's fandom are hip to her and are simply tuning her out. The only thing she's doing now is basically talking to herself just to hear herself talk." --Anon

"She's very self-contradictory. Example; she posts things that are 'in your face' and 'you won't stop me' and other such bile but then whines that no one is leaving her alone! Why doesn't she leave everyone else alone and stop bitching and nagging about everyone? Why doesn't she stop obsessing over them? They banned her, blocked her and that should be the end of it! It's like she jumps upon unsuspecting victims and then bitches when they hit back or report her abuse. She is NOT being stalked, she puts her ugly self right where people can see her crap. Another thing I also notice about her is that she protests that someone might be taking away her freedom of speech but nowhere have I ever seen her give anyone else that freedom. She's a vile, vulgar and repugnant hypocrite. She wants to censor Dirk (and everyone else), but nobody's allowed to say anything about her or her lies and slander she posts all the time." --Mark

"I read her post on that site after she follwed Nacky to there and starts right off with a bunch of bs. Misery opens her post with something about Nacky telling lies about her (like her making threats to her group, harassing phone calls, etc) and then turns right around and ADMITS to it!! Wow, so Nacky's telling the truth after all! I wonder if Misery is even aware of how she contradicts herself even in her own post? How she reveals herself? She's so disconnected from reality, so I doubt it. Anyway I got a good laugh out of it and I see how insane and bumbling Misery really is. It must really suck to be her!" --G5uu

"She is a racist and a bigot. My friend and I have a LOOONG history with her, she has called people racist names and has spread around lies about several of us and I can confirm she is a piece of work and sick in the head!" --CFD1

"Many stalking cases come out of previous relationships, and are conducted by people who are otherwise considered "normal". A sizable minority of stalking cases, typically the more severe and lengthy ones, are sometimes done out of a pathological obsession or derangement. Stalking is often a form of psychological abuse that the stalker uses to inflict others with. It's a form of intimidation when they are ignored. For instance they will not stop pursuing their victims be it a website, actor/actress, a band, a group of persons,...whatever, and will spend years of their life trying to scare and intimidate those they feel are in the wrong for daring to ignore them or blot them out. These types of stalkers do not know how to stay away. Their life is utterly lived via those they wish to be or wish to control. Or both." --ed101

"Misery is the stalker and her referring to other folks as "my stalker" is just the proof of her obsessiveness. No one who has been stalked even puts a possessive pronoun to it. She thinks people are interested in her. Nothing could be further from the truth. She has no friends and the only one she had, the one who helped her stalk many yahoogroups and other boards and made numerous infantile statements, has even abandoned her and will help her no more. I doubt she even listens to the endless mind-numbing diatribes of Misery. Probably even blocked her. Some people eventually stop sucking eggs. Everyone eventually tires of an obsessive freak. While she continues her ongoing rattling and dedicating all her accounts to hating and bashing people. Grasping at straws. Misery hates people in general and does not get along with society, as a whole. Especially the people who have seen her for what she really is. I've heard about the shit she's done to people involved with the Con scene in Detroit and the like. Last I heard she was still trying to scare the police...and no matter what she says, people will laugh at her and know she's a total nutcase. A whackjob. Seeking help is what she should do but money's on that she ends up in prison after all." --Rs99

"LOL and Rs99 spells Detroit the correct way! Oh and it's Medicine NOT Medecine and Misery claims to be a master!!!..Maybe she should like, you know, go to a school rather than her mentally disturbing drama room in which she climbs on the information superhighway to annoy the human race? Maybe she should check herself into a nuthouse because she's so insane that she writes insanity in every freakin' sentence the dumb bitch puts out! She really, truly doesn't see how f*cking crazy she reveals herself to be! And what's her name wasn't banned!! I know this for a FACT! I'm one of the people who run it! We all laugh at K------." --Anon3

"Now she's stalking someone named Chloe. The people who run those sites don't appreciate being dragged into that bile of Miserys via her ugly posts. Stalkers like Misery suffer from what is known as Delusional Disorder. Always gotta have a new target ready when she burns out of a previous victim. Misery proves she's still stalking because literally everything she does has to do with trying to cause grief for somebody. She has absolutely NO life and she proves it with her constant nagging and griping. Ever the bickering asshat." --Csf1

"People like Misery end up either killing themselves or getting themselves locked up." --An0n

"I wish Misey would leave those women alone! She keeps dedicating her WHOLE profile to the language of "stalker" and anyone can tell she's the one who's obsessed. I guess she thinks that if she says it enough times 'my stalker, my stalker, MY stalker' that it will somehow be true. She knows she stalks and has stalked various people for years... and she still tries to change the facts and spin it around on them. She's a liar and an enemy of the truth. Misery don't have a life. Literally everything in her pea-sized brain revovles around her delusion." --Gi6u

"Misery also copies everyone. She stalks their profiles and signatures and copies what they say. Acts like she's addressing them personally and then ends up looking like the idiot she is. Total loser." --l33T

"Do you think she could ever create an account that has NOTHING to do with the people she hates and stalks? I don't think she is even capable of letting go of her obsessive stalking. Misery never lets go of her obsession. She's always been desperate for attention and still craves it by thinking she's the one being stalked. If she were, why is all her bile made public? Why is she always up in people's faces and leading unsuspecting people to her psycho drama soap opera? Oh gnah! That's right...she's mentally destroyed and beyond disturbed." --Aj3o

"Misery's sick needs are that she wants someone to attack and torment...she gets off on causing grief and pain, that's why she's all alone and nobody can stand her. She has no friends, nor does she know any cool people because cool people won't have anything to do with her. Misery doesn't go out every week either, she stays at home, on her piece of shit computer and thinks up attacks and threats and other insane behaviour to post for the world to see...only thing is, the world also ignores her and nobody cares what the naggin' nut says. She only proves one thing and that is what she's REALLY saying is: Oh my I must somehow MAKE them respond to me in some way! I'll make them think I have a much better life and yeah, they should believe that lie! Oh I'm so wonderful! EVERYONE PAY ME ATTENTION NOW!!! (yeah riiiight)" --l33t

"Misery proves she stalks and wants to post what her victims are doing in her blogs in another lame attempt to try to scare them. Misery just keeps proving that she stalks and obsesses." --1238

"I'm in contact with some people who're in Detroit and know her and loathe her (no surprise there). She has made a life of sending threats and posting threats and other stupid nonsense, has stalked people even on their OWN HOME PHONES! But when someone fights back and gives her a taste of her own medicine, boy she sure can scream and groan with that foul mouth, whining on in her own disgusting gurgling slobber." --An0n

"Her blogs also prove she stalks that chick Nancy and wants to post what she's doing in her blogs in another lame attempt to try to seek attention from her victims. Do you see even in the short sentence of her own making how she contradicts herself? "Watching movies, etc. and stalking people online" well that very sentence just proved that Misery is the one doing the stalking and that the other is doing something other than paying any attention to a farking slimey stalker in Detroit!" --Mark

"Misery is a LOSER. A COWARD and a STALKER. If she were being stalked, why isn't her profile private like all of ours who are victims? Why then does she ALWAYS address her so-called "stalkers" on her page ALL the time??? People who are stalked don't bring attention to themselves BUT stalkers who CRAVE attention from their victims will do everything in their power to get that attention. What you're seeing is Misery's retarded attempts to get that attention. It isn't working. That horrible stalker doesn't have a life and is absolutely JEALOUS of her victims, and others for having lives and is convinced one of them pays any attention to her...it isn't happening." --treX

"Someone from LJ told me her whole "Scabbers" thing was a direct COPYCAT off of Betty's retarded LJ when the name was used to imply that Scabbers was raped or something. Misery can't even remember that because her brain is totally fried from all the drugs she's done. But she sure remembers enough to COPY everyone. She doesn't have an original thought because there's no brain there inside her big gorilla-shaped head. Misery also copycats another girl's profile but the absence of a real photo proves that she's lying through her teeth, oops I mean tooth. :-P" --Jay

"Misery is NOT going to get any attention from me nor will I acknowledge her retarded outbursts of insanity (which is all she's ever done - the years of threatening people and being laughed at and having the police called on her has only proven what a loser she is) Misery is a *coward* and she won't attack people like Epling or Connell because they are connected with the police - having worked for the force. Misery only attacks those she thinks cannot fight back. Like I said she's a big fat ugly coward and a bully...oh yeah and she's a delusional psycho stalker wannabe-anyone-but-her and she CAN'T STAND it that I have long since moved on from her intial attacks in 2004.When Misery started threatening me at first, the coward used other email names but I knew it was her. I tried to reason with her when she started flaming everyone on the groups but once she started showing her true colors, and once I realized that this was one whackjob that could NOT be reasoned with, it clinched it and I knew that she was a fucking psycho obsessive stalker. Once her cover was totally blown she just thought she could control my life by continually stalking me and attacking me in various yahoogroups and other online boards. Then she made up reasons to call my house (which she stalked to find my phone #) and started harassing my family via telephone. Now, all groups and boards are closed to her and she can't call obsessively. Now she's run out of ideas and plans to continue her gruesome plan of attacks and stalking. No one's listening and no one's caring. Misery cannot hurt anyone anymore and she's so pathetic that she sits up all day and night and believes that she's somehow getting to people. All Misery is doing is screaming into a void. Maybe she can finally plummet herself off the edge and disappear forever..." --1238

"If Misery is so beautiful and bright then why does she have to obsess and constantly post about other people in a hateful way? HA! It's because she ain't nothing but a dumb and hideous crazy ass stalker, people, get it?! De facto!" --ffgb

"HA! OMFG! I just read that other site where all her insane emails are posted and I have to freaking LAUGH! Disco dancing in the SCA????! GAWD I never thought anyone could be dumber than a bag of hammers but Misery is definitely dumber than a bag of hammers! LMFAO! And all that other insane bullshit! Is that retard for real????" --FryP

"UGH! She doesn't shave her armpits, or anywhere apparently! Hideous bitch!" --BoOc

"My impersonation of Misery: -ahem- I'm a published writer though I can't spell or write worth a shit or even act or write like an adult and I'm so cool and you just LEARNED SOMETHING ABOUT ME -(insert a screaming ugly little fat hairy troll here)- Yes, folks you just learned that I'm STILL a fruitcake ass LIAR! (But Misery, we already know you're a fucking liar you bag of shit! lolololz)" --GerO

"Misery's still flamebaiting her own little nothing page. Gawd she's such a troll. I guess she's too much of a coward to troll the other boards so she's reduced to talking to herself. I wonder if it'll ever dawn on the stupid hag that everyone's laughing at her? Misery keeps providing those at ----- with entertainment tho. Too funny! I also note how jealous she is of, basically, the entire human race. Har har har!" --An0n

"Omy God! I wasn't going to pipe up but I have to after reading that Misery's latest blog about "health"! First of all she knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about what the fuck she's talking about and NONE of what she wrote even made any sense whatsoever! Does the dumb troll not even read her own shit before making a complete ASS of herself in public? I guess not... and she goes off on this tangent about affects of the body and blood and what all and did nothing but post a bunch of gobbledy gook,... and polar opposites of what?? What are the polar opposites concerning the subject matter? That was not even explained but then the whole damned thing was so stupid and such a wreck of logic altogether. She was definitely "lack of little information going a long way" right there! I had to stop and laugh right at the end because it was as if she was finally explaining the bullshit we were looking at! Yup, she definitely has a lack of information and managed to make it go quite a way there. It was as if she copied and pasted one sentence from a vitamin site and failed to really read any of it. That idiot being paid to write such goofy tripe??? OH PA-LEEEASE! Gimme a break! And that other bullshit about the Chinese burning female children?-also another example of how utterly, incomprehensibly whacked out that fucknut really is! Geeeesh! I believe you guys now, she is quite the cruel creep, ain't she?" --Joan

"Take heart Joansy girl, Misery has never seen a salad or eaten a healthy thing in her life by the looks of her. And blood clots have nothing to do with eating greens, matter of fact, if you suffer from blood clots the best thing you can eat is fruits and veggies (greens), less meat and lard, etc. But Misery don't eat greens obviously or know anything about health but she sure knows how to talk out her ass all the time! They say you are what you eat... Misery obviously eats Alpo dog food and slop! :-)" --Mark

"Misery should take her own advice and stop playing health advocate! Let's hope she's never allowed access to anyone's care.. they'd be dead in two days!" --0rin

"Well let's see, Misery must make a career of planting her fungus-coated foot in her mouth. I'm thinking about building my blood, I'm up to 49 gallons so far! lmao!" --Y757

"I have known know-it-alls in my time but never a case like Misery who absolutely believes she knows everything and yet knows NOTHING but how to lie, bully and act like a fool. Just in her crap profile alone she attacks Dirk, then attacks with some bullcrap about the Chinese Zodiac history of which she obviously knew NOTHING about, and then started getting crazy again and spouted all this garbage about blood and health and what all and THEN finished it off proclaiming she knew more than our poor Nacky who seems to be a target since D&T let that vile skank view the site again!" --3311

"I think she just sat there, stalking Nacky as usual and just desperately grasped at any straws she could to try to keep dragging everyone into her pissing contest. Only thing, nobody's playing her game and people are just calling her on all her shit. I wonder if she's got one more brain cell left to finally accept that she's been beat and to stay down and crawl away with her destroyed ego and leave everyone alone.. and LEAVE NACKY ALONE!" --Fkgy

"It was a grave mistake to unblock her from Dirk's site ! Until Misery's unable to use communications devices like computers, telephones, to harass everyone with, she will always put her filth out there and seek those she obsesses over to make some kind of contact so that she can continue her gruesome attention whoring !! Of course, I guess we are all having fun laughing at her utter stupidity that she abundantly displays and so hilariously too !!! Really it's been like watching an ass create itself trap after trap and getting itself caught in each one and screaming when it realizes it locked itself in its own devices. You just can't buy that kind of entertainment :D :D :D XD" --Drw0

"'Bromelain is good for the blood? How?' Only a dumb balding freak would say that. I can just see that freak desperately trying to look up whether or not it was from the pineapple thinking she was on a roll and getting herself all worked up and ended up with egg on her face and then trying to appear that she knew something. HA! & all that shit about being a published writer! Yeah and pigs might fly!" --rick

"Someone made a brilliant statement awhile back, can't remember exactly but it went something like; if there were Darwin Awards for people who kill themselves cyberwise, Misery would be the all-time Darwin Award winner.. yeppers, I can agree with that!" --Ayao

"Just reading a little bit of Misery's letters and blogs, I can tell right off the bat that she gets herself off on causing people torment. She's a real sick person." --Hal8

"January 8, 1967 would make a horse sign too, wouldn't it? So all that stuff about bad luck seems to have backfired on Misery's gruesome hairy ass HA! That should teach her! She seems to have biten her own ass! XD" --Jhbv

"Gawdalmighty! In those awful pictures of her dancing with her goofy bra-top thing, showing all her gross armpit hair (UGHK!) where does she get her clothes, Goodwill? Her plastic rings and bracelets from Walgreens?" --Wi9a

"HA! She made this statement recently about "being nice on internet" or some such, talking about some vid....and it's like; yeah people can be nice on the internet but Misery can't seem to be civil or anything like "nice" and all her bullshit is just another example of how she expects everyone to be nice to her even though she's nothing but nasty and talking shit all the time." --AtWt

"Yeah it's like she plays the victim so much but she's so obviously an evil, vain, arrogant fucknut that no one can really feel sorry for her. Misery whines about how someone has DARED insult her (call her on all her shit) and whines and whines but at the same time spits out threats and other vulgarities and other tripe that it's like watching a crazy idiot shouting about how society has done nothing but torment her, but she's the one who clearly made the decision a long time ago to be angry at the world till the day she dies. Let's hope it's soon!" --Hal8

"Misery really don't care about anyone nor has the ability to sympathize or feel remorse for her victims...and she'll attack whoever she has within her reach. Misery is a monster. A dumb one, too. Doesn't even realize that every single time she curses anyone - it will always come back around to her! Let her curse herself to death!" --Reaper

"She has another imaginary friend she just made up. Bill." --Des5

"That foul bitch has the NERVE to act like she does, post curses, empty threats, slander and all manner of harassment for years and has spent years being this bitter vindictive bitch and STILL wants people to welcome her and bitches when they don't. Should they? Misery doesn't even look at her own words or actions or see the abuse she does, does she? I guess next she'll try to go out and punch someone in the face and then ask them to smile and love her bunches ...what the fucking hell?!! That cunt is clinically insane!" --Hutp

"Neptune? Gimme a break. Yeah riiiiight. Another proof that Misery has run out of profiles and sites to stalk so now she's obsessively stalking other people's horoscopes. How utterly sad and pathetic her life of no life must really be." --Meey

"Misery thinks people want her life ...she should keep telling herself that, maybe if she repeats it enough times, she'll believe it. Arrogant as ever." --Mark

"She has proven that she is the stalker by every word she says herself." --AtWt

"Hahahahahaha. yeah cause if you were stalking her then she'd really be trying to hide with a name like stalkedby****. (Note that the admin changed Misery's SN on his forum - you can guess what she put down originally) Oh yeah and her friends would send her to a forum where you were. oy. Her post is so transparent. Anyone who has been stalked could tell. You don't follow your stalkers into forums and start shit. Everything she has done to you, she claims you did to her. Why would yahoo help her and recommend that she go to the police when they removed her profile? Nothing makes sense. And the entire Dirk thing. First he likes her then he hates her and now something about a lawsuit. Reading her post was like watching Dallas. She creates her own drama. The question I have is, what's your next move? Do you leave the forum? Do you stick it out silently? Do you openly fight back? It seems to me that no matter what you do that in some way the fire is going to be fueled. She's out of control." --NeSs

Sunday, June 17, 2007

How to Know When You're a Stalker

Misery: Dear Unsuspecting Internet Surfer, I need help! I have a crush on a guy who is famous and that I spend all my time thinking about. I know I'm bad and I know he hates me because he won't answer any of my mail. What is your advice?

Dear Misery: The internet surfer wishes they didn’t have as much experience in the grip of an inconvenient crush. They can recall, with eerie accuracy, the feeling of urgency and helplessness associated with this fruitless quest. Ideally, you would have this obsessive crush for someone who feels similarly, yes? How freaking cool would that be? Every time your inbox gets a message your heart will skip a beat, hoping that it’s the Subject Of Your Crush (SOYC) and in this ideal world it WOULD be! Wouldn’t that be cool? Of course that’s not what’s happening, is it? Here’s the hard truth that you won't admit: you’re stalking him and you know it. If he won’t answer any of your fan mail or messages or repeated attempts to get his attention online, have you decided that simply sending more fan mail and gifts and harassing the internet population will change that? Let’s walk through this scenario. Message after message he just glances, sees that it’s you, then deletes/throws it out without reading. Suddenly one late night, he sees that it’s from you and realizes that he’s totally in love with the creepy insane woman who has been stalking him! How incredibly lucky for you both!

Yeah, the random internet surfer doesn’t buy it either. Gather up the shreds of your self esteem. The surfer won’t bash you for pursuing The Celebrity Crush, and won’t bash you for getting crazy with a crush. Instead, they’re asking you to please, for the love of all that’s holy, listen to the voice in your head that tells you that this is bordering on pathetic. If you cannot be reasoned with, you ARE pathetic. People across the board have called you on all your shit, please stop stalking them too as an answer to your failures at forcing your crush to fall in love with you.

To quote a brilliant random internet surfer;
"To me she reads like an obsessed fan who's been devastated by something irrelevant. The type of person who becomes a stalker and worse."

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Stalker's Scares...Have Failed Miserably

The latest attempts of the BSG Stalker are laughable, at best. Anyone who is faced with a stalker will soon discover that one of the only weapons they are able to employ is that of fear. While the intentions of the predator are to put the fear of God in their targeted victims who have spoken out against them and their threats, the predator will also prove their stalking by the continued obsessive posting about their victims. The BSG Stalker has showed indefinitely that she is still a stalker. Statements regarding that the victim has been checked up or checked on is a clear proclamation that Misery is still stalking or to put it more accurately in her latest attempts to threaten the victims, that she has made-up persons aiding her in her stalking activities. Along with the stalker's continued harassing posts on other boards, it is very clear who the stalker is. Her previous failed attempts to scare or worry her targets, including the tired, years of threatening them with supposed attempts on their lives; Satanists and Wiccans who are to burn them [the victims] and to do all manner of harm to them, hacking them, or making claims that the police, and other federal authorities are going to do something to them, all has been addressed and has sent the police to her door after investigations of the suspect's activities have been proven to be of a harmful nature. All of Misery's threats have changed from one side of the spectrum to the other.

It's really something, isn't it? The first ever threat one of the victims received after banning Misery in early 2004 was something along the lines of being raped by a metallic object. The next deluge of threats consisted of death threats in the form of Wiccans who knew where the victim lived. The following deluge of threats consisted of doing bodily harm, then threats of mafia hitmen was used because previous threats were reported but ultimately laughed off as the crazy babblings Misery is famous for. And then came the threats of the police being informed of the victims and how they would deal with the victims - while the stalker tried to play the victim she continued to victimize her targets with repeated attempts with numerous IDs to attack online message boards where she was quickly removed and in her mad attacks upon other boards that were unfortunately without an active moderator. She tried to rally unsuspecting list members into her drama about some imaginary mafia that she made up. She would also appear in other forums and try to lie to those members. A few people had posted her info and other facts about her to show that she was, indeed lying. Misery just whined and went on her typical pity me episodes. She thought it fine to attack her victims in their respective boards, but nobody was supposed to let the truth be known about what she really is. She dished it out year after year, but she couldn't take it. All her threats varying and changing throughout the course of the years that have followed. The stalker still continues to make it clear that she intends to further harass and try to scare her victims. Nothing she states online has any truth to it and it tells volumes of her life and what's happening in her life and it's obvious that she's shunned by people in her day-to-day life. While she copies what others have said to try to make it her own, she fails miserably at all of her attempts to diminish or belittle her targets into nothing so she can have some kind of "control" over them. She is laughed at and people, for the most part, just ignore her as they should. They know she's full of it and isn't a rational individual.

They also note how contradicting her stories and posts are from one another. One close source says; "She claims she's some beautiful, healthy person but you can tell by looking at her that is definitely NOT the case." Another source says; "She posts that she wishes Dirk would date ugly people in so many words and if she's so pretty and healthy why would she turn right around and bash Dirk for wanting to surround himself with people that are attractive???? None of her posts mesh or make any sense and I'm feeling a little annoyed that I've been introduced to this nut idiot who should have her HD taken away and investigated by the police." One recent letter I had gotten from one of the first people who has had the unfortunate mishap of actually being one of Misery's obsessions, states the following; "She stepped up her stalking in 2005, after imagining that Dirk had come to see -her- and I'm sure he regretted doing the Motor City Con or wherever he was booked to show up at...she went immediately into a full-blown stalking binge and wrote all kinds of filthy things and then made numerous harassing and threatening calls to my then phone-number and even posted it to a BSG board, then she tried to spoof members of that board and tried to force apologies out of all the people who had banned her. She was banned for very good reasons...like threatening members and obsessive-stalking posting about the celebrity she stalks. I had to ban her after she kept posting threats to my members who were sick of her obsessive and obviously made-up cruise stories. I didn't even have a dog in the race (i.e. I didn't care what happened on any cruise)...I really wasn't reading her posts, I just skimmed and I chuckled to myself at how childish she came across...but that was the EXTENT of all I did. I never posted anything in response to her posts, I was just letting her run her mouth. And I got threatened, attacked and stalked anyway. I was being threatened by her because I wouldn't join her in her quest to force everyone to listen to slander about Dirk, his cruise events and his staff. I was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time when she decided to make it her life-long goal to have me killed. She's put everyone through hell for many years. She has no life and has wasted all her time trying to do all manner of harm and has only ended up as the ignored but notorious troll-turned-stalker that she is. I've been stalked since early '04. Last I heard she was spouting off that she had some, get this, IRS agent/pilot/government worker [laughs] doing look-ups and it's [to me] so laughable because if even 1% of her spewings were true she'd know not to fuck with me...and she'd know that she'd have nothing to give to her imaginary goon. She gets herself banned all the time from wherever she's at because she cannot stop herself from being the creep she is. She cannot stop making others listen to obvious stalker-like posts about people they've never met. They see how unrelenting she is and how repetitive she is. The only thing Misery manages to do is make more enemies. I've been a nemesis because I know she got shot down by messing with me. She freaked out because people have called her on her lies and criminal actions. They've put it back in her face. She proves with each passing day how desperate she is and how pathetic she really is. She still has this belief that she'll get to meet us and physically do something to me, Dirk and his agent. She is in need of psychiatric help. She's the kind of stalker who would assault someone if she could. That's why she's dangerous because she has posted on the internet her intentions of harming others. There are just too many to list here, but there are stacks of the documents of all her attacks, whether they were on others' sites or from her own accounts that have since been removed. Stalkers ALWAYS want to meet their victims so they can further victimize them. A victim NEVER wishes to meet their stalker, but a stalker dreams of meeting the victim. That's what gives their lives meaning, I guess. Stalkers are INCAPABLE of moving on beyond their obsessions. Misery has proven that she is a stalker in every sense of the word, in every conceivable sense. In the court system, the witnesses don't have to make testimony in front of the suspect. She'll never get her wish to carry out any of her vicious threats. After the police served her (in person) with a restraining order, she knew that she couldn't get away with contacting me directly but that doesn't mean her stalking has stopped. Oh she still stalks me and still obsesses about me in her ugly posts wherever she goes...but I know people will see what I've seen, they'll see how deeply disturbed she is. If I were to ever have the misfortune of coming across her, I'd kick her right in the face, then I'd have to spray a can of Lysol all over my boot afterwards. But she doesn't have any affect on me other than that of silent pity. I really have forgotten of her existence in her absence from any of my sites and wish to not hear of her stupid ass. As they say, out of sight - out of mind." 

In this conversation I had with one of Misery's victims, it should be evident that the victim has, indeed, seen in the full light of day how stalkers try to scare their intended victims and the fear, in the end, is null and void. It should be. Especially in this case because the victim knows for a fact that it's another ignorant attempt to try to get into the psyche of one of the persons Misery obsesses over. The abundance of lies that Misery makes up are revealing of the drama she creates, then believes herself and then attempts to use it to make others fear her for the control and attention she seeks. Stalkers are control freaks, after all. They got to have your fear if nothing else. What's so laughable about Misery's lies is that every one of them can be proven for the falsehoods they are with a simple search here and there. She really doesn't realize how kindergarten or how transparent she reveals herself to be. She has had numerous bans and removals of her obsessive and slanderous accounts over the last few months (and years) and still will not cease and desist. Like one of the victims states; "...She will not stop until she is forced to stop. Until then she will be out of control. Going around and making a complete ass of herself. But it's no longer my problem. She cannot touch anywhere near me now. Everywhere I'm at, the administrators or moderators have been alerted to watch out for her attacks (which will be obvious and blatant attacks)...they know what's up."

Take note, dear reader, it is always a good idea to let others know that you may be attacked at any given time. It is Misery's nature to try to feed off of your isolation. If you're not isolated and you let as many people know about the situation, the more you have the light of day and the numbers on your side. A stalker will always try to bank on the belief that anywhere you are active, that nobody knows you well or will know what's happening. LET PEOPLE KNOW what's happening and any attempts the stalker [Misery] makes will be immediately purged. It's like being in a very public place to scream for help rather than in a dark alley.